“When you judge someone based on a diagnosis you miss out on their abilities, beauty, and uniqueness.”

Our Story

Our Message

At Shumway Provisions of Wyoming we believe that client, and guardian, the choice is the most important element in implementing supports to help people live their best life. To make this possible we utilize a team approach to identify the person’s desired accomplishments, activities, and daily living requirements. We will use community resources including technology to identify and make opportunities available. Each person has the right to try and fail every single day. We will celebrate each success along the way and continue to find ways to get there. At the end of the day, we are all the same, reaching for what brings us joy.


Our Values

  • People.

    We value each person for
    who they are.

  • Staff.

    We value our staff as
    individuals and what they do.

  • Community.

    We value the community we
    live in and the support it offers.

  • Character.

    We value respect, honesty,
    and integrity above all.